A Bit of an Introduction

Welcome to my Instructional Technology Blog! This particular blog was initialized as a requirement of my EDUC2201 course. I'm very new to the concept of blogging, so I am looking forward to all that I will learn throughout this semester. I'm currently an Elementary Education major; however, I would ultimately like to teach education courses on a collegiate level. Whether I end up in an elementary or college class, I will need to have a good grasp on the technology available to me as an educator. I hope to gain that necessary knowledge from this course so that I will be more readily able to offer my students helpful technological tools to enhance their learning.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Struggling Student

My placement is a 5th grade math classroom. I've found that sometimes it is a lot harder to find struggling students in a math setting than say a reading setting. One particular student seemed to be having significant problems throughout the week. The class was working on turning fractions into decimals. Their assignment was to fill out a chart with the numerators 1-12 on the top row and the denominators 1-12 on the side. Basically, they would go through and find all the decimals from 1/1 to 12/12. The teacher almost always allows them to use a calculator and the calculators have a key that turns fractions into decimals. This should have been an easy assignment for all of the students in the room, and yet when I walked around to check on the progress, one specific girl had eraser marks all over her book and kept doing the same fraction over and over. When I asked how she was doing, she responded that she needed help. I had her show me how she was using the calculator and she was following the steps correctly. In this assignment students are supposed to be able to see the patterns in the decimals and finish the rows without using a calculator. For example, if the pattern was .333, .666, 1, 1.333, 1.666, 2, the student should realize that the rest of the row followed this pattern. This girl, however, could not see any of the patterns. She relied on her calculator for every single square on the chart. I do not think this is even an over dependency of the calculator, I just honestly think she couldn't see the pattern. This makes me wonder if she might have spatial problems and other difficulties seeing patterns in other subjects. She knew how to do the procedure, but couldn't register the patterns to make the work easier for herself. I did not see her ever complete the chart.

1 comment:

  1. Not being able to recognize patters is also a symptom of dyslexia. You might want to check with other teachers to see if she is having trouble reading. Great observation! I'm glad you are paying close attention to students!
