A Bit of an Introduction

Welcome to my Instructional Technology Blog! This particular blog was initialized as a requirement of my EDUC2201 course. I'm very new to the concept of blogging, so I am looking forward to all that I will learn throughout this semester. I'm currently an Elementary Education major; however, I would ultimately like to teach education courses on a collegiate level. Whether I end up in an elementary or college class, I will need to have a good grasp on the technology available to me as an educator. I hope to gain that necessary knowledge from this course so that I will be more readily able to offer my students helpful technological tools to enhance their learning.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Digital photo Story

Here is the digital photo story I created entitled "Where I'm from"


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  3. Your digital story reminded me of...my love of nature, and photography. I also love Seneca.

    Your family is different /or/ similar to mine because...different, I feel a lot more bonding and love from your video than I feel from my family.

    If you were to do this story again you should...

    My main problem, and I know you will be able to fix it easily, is I am pretty sure you used Animoto. This doesn't make a difference to me, the problem is with Animoto. For some reason, it has a tendency to cut off the right side of your video slightly. If you watch it, some of the text gets cut off in it. I remember this being an issue when I had Pierce in Instructional Tech and we did an Animoto video. You can change the display ratio somehow. That part though I don't remember how to do, but I know it didn't take very long to get it lined out. If it's not the display ration issue, than really all I can say is re-align some text.

    What I liked best about your story is...the pictures were great, very visually appealing. The song matches up great. The transitions were better than the basic Photostory.

  4. Thanks for your comments! I meant to mention that the slide show cuts off the side of the pictures because of a glitch with the embedded code with youtube. It shows up fine on youtube, but cuts off the two slides on here. I'm not sure how to fix this and can't get the .wmv file to finish processing on here. Thanks for the comment on the pictures too! I took most of them myself =)

  5. Hey Kayla, this video was really nice but like Derek already said your slides were cut off and I couldn't read some of what was said. Great job! By the way I loved the music!

  6. Kayla, if you look at the code in html mode you should be able to resize it so that it fits properly. I watched it on youtube, however, and really enjoyed it! You did a nice job with timing and the photos you chose! I'm actually from 3 generations of Williams as well (though with different middle names)-- my younger brother is the 4th William. =)

  7. Kayla your story definitly reminded me of nature like Derek said, and also of the times when I used to fish a lot. My family also used to have game nights too. I liked your music you used and thought it went perfect with your story. Like the other said the words didn't all fit, but you did a great job!

  8. I really loved your photostory. It was possibly the poetic and flowing of any that I have seen, which I applaud you for. The music fit perfectly. I really have no negative comments at all. Great job.

  9. Thanks for all the awesome comments everyone! I finally got the final version up and running! (All the words finally show up!) Thanks for all the advice =)

  10. You did an excellent job on this! I appreciate you taking the time to fix the words! I enjoyed learning that your are a twin, play music, and hunt a fish! I love game night! The music set a nice reflective for story! Really well done!
